Infante, CR, BC Faircloth, TC Glenn, DB Menke. 2018. Enhancers and the convergent evolution of limb reduction in squamates. National Science Foundation Collaborative Research Grant ($1,263,668). Start date August 1, 2018.
*Menke, DB. 2014. Developmental context and the control of appendage cis-regulatory networks. National Institute of Health Project Grant (NICHD-R01HD081034).
*Menke, DB. 2012. Developmental evolution of limb morphology. National Science Foundation CAREER Award IOS-1149453).
Infante, CR. 2003. Putnam Expeditionary Grant, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Infante, CR. 2001. Putnam Expeditionary Grant, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
The asterisk (*) indicates a grant for which I was not a PI, but provided preliminary data and contributed to design, development, and writing.
Ching, ST, CR Infante, W Du, A Sharir, S Park, DB Menke, and OD Klein. 2018. Isl1 mediates expansion of mesenchymal cells in the developing external genitalia via regulation of Bmp4, Fgf10, and Wnt5a. Human Molecular Genetics 27(1):107–119.
Infante, CR, AM Rasys, and DB Menke. 2018. Appendages and gene regulatory networks: lessons from the limbless. Genesis 56(1):e23078.
Tollis, M, ED Hutchins, J Stapley, SM Rupp, WL Eckalbar, I Maayan, E Lasku, CR Infante, SR Dennis, JA Robertson, CM May, MR Crusoe, E Bermingham, DF DeNardo, ST Hsieh, RJ Kulathinal, MJ Huentelman, WO McMillan, DB Menke, SC Pratt, JA Rawls, O Sanjur, J Wilson-Rawls, MA Wilson Sayres, RE Fisher, and K Kusumi. 2018. Comparative genomics reveals accelerated evolution in conserved pathways during the diversification of anole lizards. Genome Biology and Evolution 10(2):489-506.
Wang, JS, CR Infante, S Park, and DB Menke. PITX1 promotes chondrogenesis and myogenesis in mouse hindlimbs through conserved regulatory targets. 2018. Developmental Biology 434(1):186–195.
Domyan, ET, Z Kronenberg, CR Infante, AI Vickery, SA Stringham, R Bruders, MW Guernsey, S Park, J Payne, RB Beckstead, G Kardon, DB Menke, M Yandell, and MD Shapiro. 2016. Molecular shifts in limb identity underlie development of feathered feet in two domestic avian species. Elife 2016(5):e12115.
Infante, CR, AG Mihala, S Park, JS Wang, KK Johnson, JD Lauderdale, and DB Menke. 2015. Shared cis-regulatory activity in the limbs and phallus and functional divergence of a limb- genital enhancer in snakes. Developmental Cell 35:107-119. Covered by National Public Radio’s “Science Friday” and National Geographic’s “Not Exactly Rocket Science” blog.
Park, S*, CR Infante*, LC Rivera-Davila†, and DB Menke. 2014. Conserved regulation of hoxc11 by pitx1 in Anolis lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution 322(3):156–165.
Infante, CR*, S Park*, AG Mihala, DM Kingsley, and DB Menke. 2013. Pitx1 broadly associates with limb enhancers and is enriched on hindlimb cis-regulatory elements. Developmental Biology 374(1):234–244.
Bloom, S, C Ledon-Rettig, CR Infante, A Everly, J Hanken, and N Nascone-Yoder. 2013. Developmental origins of a novel gut morphology in frogs. Evolution & Development 15(3):213–223.
Zimmerman, JM, CR Infante, J Hanken, and L Olsson. 2013. Morphology of the cranial skeleton and musculature in the obligate carnivorous tadpole of Lepidobatrachus laevis (Anura, Ceratophryidae). Acta Zoologica 94(1):101–112.
Eckalbar, WL, E Lasku, CR Infante, RM Elsey, GJ Markov, AN Allen, JJ Corneveaux, JB Losos, DF DeNardo, MR Huentelman, J Wilson-Rawls, A Rawls, and K Kusumi. 2012. Somitogenesis in the anole lizard and alligator reveals evolutionary convergence and divergence in the amniote segmentation clock. Developmental Biology 363(1):308–319.
Siler, CD, LJ Welton, RM Brown, CR Infante, and AC Diesmos. 2011. Ophiophagus hannah (King Cobra). Diet. Herpetological Review 42(2): 297.
LaDuc, TJ, and CR Infante. 2001. New Texas county records of amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review. 32(4): 284-285.
In preparation
Infante, CR, S Park, JS Wang, S Pau†, J Sanders, S Poe, S Pierce, RE Glor, L Mahler, JB Losos, DM Kingsley, and DB Menke. Functional divergence of a Tbx4 enhancer and the adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards. To be submitted to Nature.
The asterisk (*) denotes equal contribution; † denotes undergraduate mentee.
Invited Seminars
Disentangling the regulatory control of vertebrate development. 2017. Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Limbs, genitals, and sticky-outie things: disentangling the regulatory control of vertebrate appendage development. 2016. School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Limbs, genitals, and sticky-outie things: disentangling the regulatory control of vertebrate appendage development. 2015. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
An introduction to ChIP-seq. 2014. The University of Georgia Institute of Bioinformatics, Athens, GA.
Evolution and development. 2009. Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City, Philippines.
Infante, CR. 2017. Enhancers and the convergent evolution of limb reduction in squamates. Genome 10K and Genome Sciences Conference, Norwich, UK.
Infante, CR, AG Mihala, S Park, JS Wang, and DB Menke. 2015. Disentangling the regulatory network contributing to limb evolution in Anolis ecomorphs. The Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Berkeley, CA.
Infante, CR, JS Wang, S Park, SH Pau, AG Mihala, and DB Menke. 2015. Disentangling the regulatory network contributing to limb evolution in reptiles. International Meeting on Limb Development and Regeneration, St. Petersburg, FL.
Infante, CR, S Park, and DB Menke. 2014. The evolution of limb enhancers in lizards and snakes. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Chattanooga, TN.
Infante, CR, S Park, and DB Menke. 2014. The evolution of the regulatory control of development in vertebrate appendages. Southeastern Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, Callaway Gardens, GA.
Infante, CR, S Park, AG Mihala, and DB Menke. 2014. Using ChIP-Seq to identify limb enhancers in the lizard genus Anolis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX.
Infante, CR, JB Losos, and DB Menke. 2012. The developmental basis of an adaptive radiation: the evolution of limb diversity in Anolis lizards. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Charleston, SC.
Infante, CR, RE Glor, JB Losos, DM Kingsley, and DB Menke. 2011. The developmental basis of an adaptive radiation: the evolution of limb diversity in Anolis lizards. Southeastern Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, Gainesville, FL.
Infante, CR. 2009. The developmental basis of limb diversity in Anolis lizards. Sixth Anolis Symposium, Cambridge, MA.
Infante, CR. 2008. Deiodination and the control of metamorphosis in anuran amphibians. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, TX.
Infante, CR. 2007. Metamorphic remodeling and the evolution of larval morphology in the carnivorous tadpole Lepidobatrachus laevis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, AZ.
Infante, CR. 2006. Jaws! Heterochrony and the control of metamorphosis in the carnivorous tadpole Lepidobatrachus laevis. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, LA.
Infante, CR. 2006. Deiodinases and the control of metamorphosis in the carnivorous larvae of the anuran Lepidobatrachus laevis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Orlando, FL.
Infante, CR, and J Hanken. 2004. Thyroid hormone receptor expression and the metamorphosis and evolution of anuran jaws. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA.
Infante, CR, S Park, J Wang, S Pau, and DB Menke. 2016. Functional divergence of a Tbx4 enhancer and the evolution of hindlimb reduction in reptiles. Society for Developmental Biology. Boston, MA.
Infante, CR, AG Mihala, S Park, and DB Menke. 2015. Limb loss and the evolution of appendage enhancers in snake genomes. The Biology of Genomes. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY.
Infante, CR, S Park, JB Losos, DM Kingsley, and DB Menke. 2012. Cis-regulatory evolution and the control of limb development in Anolis lizards. Sixth International Meeting of the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Infante, CR, JB Losos, and DB Menke. 2010. The evolution of limb length in the lizard genus Anolis. Eleventh International Conference on Limb Development and Regeneration, Williamsburg, VA.
Infante, CR, and J Hanken. 2005. Metamorphosis and the evolution of jaw morphology in the carnivorous anuran tadpole Lepidobatrachus laevis. Fifteenth International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology, Boston, MA.
Infante, CR, S Park, and DB Menke. 2017. The transcription factor Isl1 is associated with multiple signalling pathways important during genital development. GSE91082.
Domyan, ET, MD Shapiro, CR Infante, and DB Menke. 2016. A molecular shift in limb identity underlies the convergent evolution and development of feathered feet. GSE67875.
Infante, CR, AG Mihala, S Park, JD Lauderdale, and DB Menke. 2015. Identifying active cis-regulatory elements during the development of the limbs and external genitalia in the mouse and lizard. GSE64055.
Infante, CR, S Park, and DB Menke. 2012. Pitx1 broadly associates with limb enhancers and is enriched on hindlimb regulatory elements. GSE41591.